Friday February 07 2025

5:15 AM-6:15 AM Hamid/KellyIndoor Bootcamp

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  • Online Classes

    Welcome Back! Indoor Classes have resumed.

    We are continuing our Online, Live Saturday’s  Class on Zoom: Use Link and Password to Join:

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    Schedule for Online and Indoor Classes are posted under Schedule


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    BC Day Long Weekend, 2023

    We are open tomorrow, Saturday, Aug 5th, 2023 8 am – 9 am We will be closed on Monday, Aug 7th, 2023       ... read more

    Functional Fitness Friday, Jan 15th

    Functional Fitness: Shoulder Mobility, Core, Shoulder Stability “Just what we need.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Thursday, Jan 14th

    Functional Fitness: Core, Kickboxing “Knock ’em dead.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Wednesday, Jan 13th

    Functional Fitness: Core, Kettlebell “Move like nobody is watching.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Tuesday, Jan 12th

    Functional Fitness: Solutions to World Problems begins with solutions to Self Problems. Simplicity! ... read more

    Functional Fitness Monday, Jan 11th

    Functional Fitness: “Pencil 20 minutes to an hour appointment with yourself to Move.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness

    Functional Fitness: Weights, Core “Bootylicious” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 9th Saturday

    Functional Fitness: Warm-up Mobility “Walk it out.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 8th, Thursday

    Functional Fitness: Core, Yoga Flow, Light Weight “Coming of Age, coming of wisdom, it’s a process. ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 7th, Thursday

    Functional Fitness: “Fake it ’til you make it… the process of making it.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 6th, Wednesday

    Functional Fitness: Yoga Flow, Mobility, Core “To slow down time, hold a plank.” Spencer ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 5th, Tuesday

    Functional Fitness: Core, Yoga, Upper Body Strength “Successively.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 4th, Monday

    Functional Fitness: Core, Mobility, lower Body Strength “All too familiar.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 2nd, Saturday

    Functional Fitness: Shoulder Mobility, Lower Body Strength, Core, Yoga “2 Days in.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 1st Friday

    Functional Fitness: Mobility, Core, Upper Body Strength “Gradual Entry.” ... read more

    Functional Fitness Jan 1st, Friday Warm up

    Functional Fitness: New Year’s Day Warm-up ... read more

    Pro-Fit Boot Camp is a Yoga philosophy based Boot Camp, The Foundation of the practice is YOU nothing else

    “My primary objective”, says Hamid, “besides turning more and more people on to a healthier, more peaceful lifestyle that continually challenges them to grow, is to teach a system of exercise that fully integrates the body, mind, and spirit”.

    A fitness routine based on aesthetics feeds your ego, not your spirit. By increasing your ego, you actually become more vulnerable, more susceptible to the everyday occurrences that are out of your control. By feeding your ego, you ignore what you truly need in order to create something your ego desires. Consequently, you end up working against yourself and your goal of health, and you actually create more imbalance.

    Boot Camp (Our Boot Camp Pro-Fit) is directed at creating the highest level of energy, vitality and freedom. The only way to do this is to work with yourself, not against yourself. By working hard sensitively, we create an environment that’s healing and that honors each individual, an environment that respects our boundaries and works within him or her. In this way, we create an atmosphere conducive to natural expansion and growth. We’re not interested in pushing past our edge to get to a place where we’ve been brainwashed into thinking we need to be in order to have happiness!

    The hardest part of the practice of our boot camp can be honoring our bodies and what they need in this moment. Too often we find ourselves slipping back into our old habits of goal orientation, self-criticism and re-activeness, which are the root of so much imbalance, disharmony, misery, and so forth. Goal orientation, which sometimes is expressed as “I’ll be happy when,” leads you away from the here and now. Looking outside yourself for happiness doesn’t work. If you’re not happy now, you won’t be happy for long no matter where you go. Why? Because happiness, or wholeness, has to come from within. And wholeness comes with acceptance of Right Now! There will always be another place to go, so there is no such thing as getting there. As far as your potential for happiness is concerned, “You are there.” Self-criticism leads us to feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, worthlessness, and low self-esteem, as well as the criticism of others, which keeps us at each other’s throat.

    Please understand, our boot camp by its very nature is challenging. for example In order to have balance one needs to expose the imbalance and move toward balance. Sometimes it’s not easy to see and deal with our imbalances so things get challenging. As humans we tend to have the greatest opportunities for growth in the challenges we encounter. So please experience these challenges positively.

    It’s time to open, strengthen and awaken!

    Our class is not a contest between you or anyone you may be practicing with. It isn’t even a contest between you and yourself. Forget about how loose and strong you used to be way back when. Give up any aspirations of how loose and strong you hope to be one day. Just be where you are! Make that o.k. when we get to our yoga part (as much as I like to call all our practice is yoga) Doing yoga correctly means not trying to get anywhere, but being where you are as fully as possible. You’ll benefit from class by your effort regardless of how far or deep you get. As long as you are feeling it and you are breathing calmly, you’re practicing correctly.

    Please don’t push too hard. These poses should hurt good, not bad. There has to be a sweetness to every pose. Nothing should ever be excruciating.

    Occasionally or maybe more so you may notice yourself getting frustrated, judgmental, critical and reactive.

    Use this safe environment to start working on these old habit patterns.

    We are all quite attached to our bodies so it is very natural for a lot of things to arise. Please know that calmness and self acceptance are at the very root of balance and health. Without this a fitness regime is very superficial. Without this we are building our whole house on a shaky foundation.

    Whenever you catch yourself pushing too hard, realize you may not be accepting where you’re at, and let it go! Whenever you catch yourself being self judgmental or critical realize you are really lacking nothing and it’s actually the judgments and criticism that’s keeping you down. Let it go! Whenever you catch yourself being reactive, let it go! Get calm, even if it means backing off.

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